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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

African Development Bank: Chief Resource Mobilization Officer, and Prinicipal Resource Mobilization Officers

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a leading development institution in the continent, focused on promoting economic development and poverty reduction. It intervenes in various fields where Africa is facing
complex developmental challenges. The Bank has integrated operations, lending directly to the public and private sectors through a variety of instruments and also provides advisory services. Core operational priorities include infrastructure, governance, regional integration, and engagement in fragile states. It has an increasing country presence through a growing network of 25 field offices. The Vice Presidency for Country and Regional Programs and Policy (ORVP) of the AfDB ensures stronger focus on country priorities and development impact by driving country strategy and country programs through 9 Regional Departments. The Vice Presidency (ORVP) is also responsible for regional programs, policy, results and quality assurance and resource mobilization and partnerships. Within ORVP, the Operational Resources and Policies Department (ORPC) provides advice and support in the design, preparation and, implementation of operational policy, and leads the Bank resource mobilization activities. The department comprises two divisions: Operations Strategy and Policies and, Resource Mobilization and Allocation. The Resource Mobilization Officers in the Resource Mobilization and Allocation Division are primarily responsible for developing fund raising strategies for major funds including the African Development Fund (ADF), preparing all relevant documentation to support resource mobilization, and monitoring funds allocation and debt-related initiatives (HIPC, MDRI) as agreed in key commitments to donors. 

Duties and responsibilities

The Officers report to the Manager, Resource Mobilization and Allocation. Core responsibilities include:
  • Develop strategic options with senior management for raising and deploying resources more effectively to low income countries and priority areas;
  • Elaborate detailed supporting documentation for the Bank Group resource mobilization efforts (General Capital Increase, African Development Fund (ADF), Nigerian Trust Fund (NTF) and other key funds);
  • Develop ADF positioning within aid architecture and roll out negotiation strategy to major donors;
  • Coordinate and contribute to the consultation and negotiation process of selected funds including ADF replenishment consultation meetings;
  • Coordinate yearly allocation mechanism of funds resource to countries; Review, implementation of the Performance Based Allocation system (PBA)and prepare briefs for senior management on implementation and possible revisions;
  • Organize regular outreach events to beneficiaries to explain the activities of the different funds and key drivers of the allocation system;
  • Contribute to the preparation of progress reports for ADF Mid-Term Review and other funds evaluation;
  • Review project proposals going to the Board to ensure alignment with country PBA envelope, debt sustainability framework and regional operations and fragile states guidelines, and agreed terms;
For the Chief Officer
  • Manage team in charge of drafting key negotiation documents, running the PBA model and updating it to reflect latest commitments;
  • Advise management on resource mobilization and allocation issues;
  • Represent the Bank in key Multilateral Development Bank Meetings (MDBs) working groups on Debt and PBA and key donor and international meetings;
  • Monitor implementation of debt–related initiatives such as HIPC, MDRI, new debt management capacity initiatives;
  • Prepare regular progress reports to senior management on these debt-initiatives;
  • Monitor work program and key deliverables;

Selection Criteria

  • Minimum a Master’s degree in economics, quantitative methods, modeling techniques or other relevant fields;
  • Preferably a minimum of six (6) years of relevant experience for the Principal (PL-4 positions), and seven (7) years for the  Chief (PL-3) position); solid credibility on quantitative methods; understanding of both public and private sector perspectives would be an asset;
  • Excellent technical, analytical skills and established operational track record of excellence in achieving results;
  • Experience in the management of major replenishment mechanisms desirable;
  • Solid track record in fund-raising with international, public and private sector sources;
  • Familiarity with debt related issues and debt management strategies;
  • Proven ability to identify and articulate policy issues, tradeoffs and priorities to provide sound advice;
  • Demonstrated ability to work across institutional boundaries with various teams, build and lead a team of professional staff, and utilise talent and expertise of team members in a productive way;
  • Demonstrated ability to produce high quality work on a variety of issues with very short deadlines, to take prudent risks and make effective and timely decisions;
  • Superior written and verbal communication skills in English and/or French (with a working-knowledge of the other language); with demonstrated ability to think strategically and synthesize complex issues (translated into effective oral and written briefs)
  • High degree of discretion, tact and sensitivity in dealing with internal and external clients and stakeholders at all levels;
  • Competence in the use of Bank standard software (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint).

Document download

  • Submitted by: Benson M. Maina, Acting Division Manager, CHRM.1
  • Approved by: Gemina O. ARCHER-DAVIES, Officer-in-Charge, CHRM

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